Overthinking often feels like a necessary step in making good decisions, but it quickly turns into a mental trap that keeps us stuck in fear and inaction. Instead of allowing it to drain our energy, we can shift our focus toward solutions, take decisive action, and reframe our self-talk to break the cycle. By learning to manage overthinking, we free ourselves from its grip and use our mental energy to move forward with clarity and confidence.
Are you stuck in an endless cycle of overthinking, replaying decisions in your mind but never taking action? Are you struggling to make decisions because you’re worried about all the “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios? Are you mentally exhausted from overanalyzing every detail, only to feel even more uncertain than when you started?
You’ll learn that overthinking isn’t always the enemy—it can actually be turned into a powerful tool when managed correctly. Instead of getting stuck in analysis-paralysis, you’ll discover how to shift your thinking toward action and make decisions with greater confidence.
- Why overthinking feels productive but actually drains your energy and prevents you from making progress
- 5 practical strategies to shift from overthinking into action
- Why managing overthinking is like building a muscle—the more you practice redirecting your thoughts, the easier it becomes to make confident decisions without getting stuck in fear
When overthinking goes unchecked, it becomes repetitive and unproductive, leading to indecision and exhaustion, but at its core, it’s your brain trying to protect you, prepare you, and help you make good choices.
Welcome to the Stop Sabotaging Your Success podcast, episode one hundred and fifty-five. I’m your host, Cindy Esliger. This is the podcast focusing on what we can do today to take control of our careers and overcome the inevitable barriers to success that we encounter along the way.
We all find ourselves overthinking things from time to time. It starts innocently enough – you want to make the right decision, so you mull it over, consider the options, and weigh the pros and cons. I have to admit, I love my pros and cons lists. But then, instead of reaching a conclusion, your brain launches into overdrive, replaying the same thoughts like a broken record. Before you know it, you’re stuck in a loop of analysis-paralysis, mentally exhausted, and no closer to actually doing anything. Sound familiar? Overthinking may feel like you’re being thorough, but in reality, it often traps you in a cycle of indecision and inaction that interferes with getting what you really want.
In this episode, we delve into the idea that spending more time thinking about a decision doesn’t necessarily lead to a better solution. Worrying about every possible outcome doesn’t magically make them less likely to happen; it just keeps you spinning your wheels. The good news is that overthinking doesn’t have to be your nemesis. With a few mindset shifts and putting some practical strategies into action, you can turn that spinning into something productive.
It’s time to stop letting overthinking interfere with your goals and start making it work for you. Maybe you’ve got a big decision to make. Maybe it’s a career move, or deciding whether to take on a new project in addition to everything else you’ve got going on. You sit down to think it through – logical right? But, instead of arriving at a clear choice, you find yourself spiraling. What if I make the wrong choice? What if this all blows up in my face? Maybe I should wait for more information. Before you know it, hours (or days) have passed, and not only have you not decided, but you’ve also mentally worn yourself out. You’ve gotten yourself into the overthinking trap.
But what if, instead of letting it derail you, you could harness the overthinking to actually help you? Yes, overthinking can be useful – but only if you learn how to manage it. First, let’s get clear on the difference between thinking and overthinking:
- Thinking is productive. It’s deliberate, focused, and geared towards solving a problem or making a decision. It’s the calm, rational voice in your head saying, “Okay, let’s weigh the pros and cons and figure this out”.
- Overthinking, on the other hand, is repetitive, unproductive, and fueled by fear – fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of not being ‘enough’. It’s unnecessary, stressful, and not remotely helpful. Overthinking often disguises itself as thoroughness or preparation, but in reality, it’s a form of procrastination that keeps you stuck.
It may surprise you to learn that overthinking isn’t inherently bad. At its core, it’s your brain trying to keep you safe. It wants you to make good decisions, to learn from your mistakes, and to be prepared for potential problems.
But overthinking doesn’t know when to quit. It takes those good intentions and goes overboard, turning it into an endless loop of analysis-paralysis. When overthinking runs unchecked, it becomes less of a protector and more of a form of self-sabotage.
Let’s look at three ways it can manifest:
- Overthinking the Past: Maybe it’s replaying that awkward conversation for the umpteenth time, or obsessing over a mistake you made in a meeting six months ago. That’s overthinking the past. This type of rumination keeps you anchored to events you can’t change, making you feel stuck, guilty, or ashamed, possibly leading to depression. It’s like watching a movie of your worst moments on repeat – which might make you wonder why we do this to ourselves.
- Overthinking the Present: You’re afraid to make the wrong choice, so you don’t make any choice at all. Everything feels like a life-or-death decision. Should I take this opportunity? Should I speak up in this meeting? This type of overthinking leads to fear-induced indecision, which leaves you unsure what to do, convincing you that any misstep will lead to catastrophe. But, I want to assure you that it won’t.
- Overthinking the Future: Here’s where overthinking feeds on the doom and gloom and creates anxiety. You imagine every worst-case scenario, every way things could go wrong. What if this project fails? What if I can’t meet the deadline? What if my boss thinks I’m incompetent? Your mind creates a whole series of ‘what ifs’ so intense that it’s impossible to focus on the present.
No matter which type of overthinking you’re dealing with, they all share one thing in common: they trap you in a repetitive loop. Instead of moving forward, you spin your wheels. Not only does it waste time, but it also robs you of the mental clarity and energy you need to actually tackle the challenges in front of you. And then, it can also interfere with your ability to get a good night’s rest.
We’re all looking for ways to boost productivity, yet we often overlook overthinking, even though it’s one of the biggest time-wasters. Overthinking tricks you into believing you’re being productive. You’re thinking so hard about the problem, imagining every potential outcome, and rehearsing every conversation you might need to have. Surely all this effort will lead to the best solution, right? Wrong.
Overthinking doesn’t produce solutions – it amplifies anxiety. Instead of acting, you’re stuck worrying about what could happen, which leaves you doing nothing. Or worse, you do something half-heartedly because you’ve spent so much energy overthinking that you’re too drained to make it happen.
There’s zero evidence that thinking longer or harder about a problem leads to better solutions. None. What it does provide is mental exhaustion, indecision, and an increasing sense of failure.
In fact, overthinking often makes things worse. The longer you analyze something, the more overwhelming it becomes. Your mind magnifies every tiny detail until even the simplest decisions feel insurmountable. Let’s not forget the mental exhaustion that comes from running in circles.
So, how do you break free from the overthinking trap? The good news is that it’s possible to retrain your brain. Here are five ways to make overthinking work for you:
- Be Solution-Focused: Instead of dwelling on the problem, shift your focus to finding solutions. Ask yourself, “What’s one small step I can take to address this?”. This channels your brain toward finding some possible options. Then, take action, because even imperfect action breaks the cycle of rumination.
- Organize Your Thoughts: Sometimes overthinking feels overwhelming because everything is swirling around in your head. Get it out of your head. Write down your concerns, options, or next steps. Seeing things on paper can help you separate fact from fear, and that alone can make them feel less overwhelming.
- Take a Break: Yes, stepping away can feel counterintuitive, but sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to stop thinking about it. Go for a walk, listen to music, or do something completely unrelated. Taking a break gives your brain space to process in the background. You’ll often come back to the problem with a fresh perspective and new ideas.
- Set a Time Limit: Give yourself a deadline for making a decision or solving a problem. Whether it’s five minutes or five days, having a clear endpoint prevents endless deliberation. When the time is up, it’s decision time. No more waffling. Picture a big red stop sign in your mind if you have to – whatever helps you snap out of the spiral. You’ll naturally start prioritizing what really matters so you can make the best choice within the allotted time. It’s like setting your brain to ‘deadline mode’, which, let’s face it, is when a lot of us do our best work anyway.
- Accept Uncertainty: Part of why we overthink things is trying to escape uncomfortable feelings like not being sure about what will happen. We all want to know exactly how things will turn out before we act. But, unfortunately, that’s not possible.
None of us can predict the future. No amount of overthinking will guarantee a perfect outcome. Accepting that uncertainty is part of life can free you to take action without all that pressure. Because you don’t have to have all the answers to move forward. Trust yourself to figure it out as you go.
Think of it this way, when you stop overthinking, you reclaim all that time and energy it was stealing from you. That’s time you can spend on things that actually matter – building your career, pursuing your goals, or, I don’t know, relaxing for once.
Will it feel uncomfortable at first? Absolutely. Overthinking is a tough habit to break, especially if you’ve been doing it for years. But with practice, you can learn to redirect that energy toward productive action.
You may not realize it, but what you say to yourself matters. In fact, it matters a lot. That voice in your head can be either your greatest ally or your biggest saboteur. When you overthink, that voice tends to sound like this:
- “What if I mess this up?”
- “Why didn’t I do that differently?”
- “I should have been more prepared.”
You can almost feel a downward spiral starting. What you tell yourself shapes how you think, feel, and act. If your self-talk is stuck on, “everything could go wrong”, guess what? You’re going to stay in a loop of anxiety and indecision.
So, flip the script. Instead of dwelling on potential disasters, ask yourself,
- “What’s one thing I can do to make this situation better?”
- “What have I already done well?”
- “What’s a small step forward I can take right now?”
Shifting your focus from problems to solutions can stop overthinking in its tracks. But, breaking the overthinking cycle isn’t easy. It’s a habit, and like any habit, it takes time and practice to change. The key is consistency.
Not every decision deserves the same level of attention, so ask yourself, “What is this worth to me?”. Think of your mental energy as a limited resource – because it is. Spending hours agonizing over something small isn’t just unnecessary, it’s a waste of that precious energy you could use for something that actually matters.
Before you go down the overthinking rabbit hole, stop and ask yourself:
- How important is this decision?
- Will it matter to me in a week, a month, or a year?
- How much mental effort does this really deserve?
For major decisions – like career moves or financial commitments – it might make sense to take your time and study your options over days, or even weeks. But for the small stuff, five minutes might be plenty to make the choice and then move on. It’s not going to matter that much in the grand scheme of things.
Not every decision is life-or-death. Sometimes ‘good enough’ is good enough. So, stop inflating the importance of trivial decisions. If it’s not going to make a noticeable impact on your life, it doesn’t deserve hours of mental debate. Save your overthinking energy for the big stuff.
Overthinking loves to drag you out of the present. Whether you’re replaying past mistakes or worrying about future disasters, it’s all about pulling your attention away from the here and now. The result? You’re stuck in your head, spinning your wheels, and missing what’s happening right in front of you.
The antidote? Make a decision – any decision. Even if the choice isn’t perfect, it’ll free up your mental energy so you can focus on what’s happening right now.
Not sure how to bring yourself back to the present moment? Try this: Take a deep breath and notice what you see, hear, and feel around you.
You could also tell yourself, “I’m making the best decision with the information I have right now”. It might also help to remind yourself that you can always adjust your plan of attack later, if needed.
The thing about overthinking is that it loves to focus on things you can’t control. What if the client hates my proposal? What if my boss doesn’t like this idea? What if there’s a technical issue during my presentation?
Instead of spiraling about what might happen, shift your attention to what you can do. You can’t control your boss’s mood or whether the technology will cooperate, but you can make sure your work is polished. You can’t predict every twist and turn of a project, but you can give it your best shot. Taking action on things within your control doesn’t just get you out of your head; it also builds momentum. And momentum can help control your overthinking.
None of this is going to feel great at first. In fact, it might feel downright awful. Your brain loves the familiarity of overthinking, even if it’s not productive. Stepping out of that loop means facing uncertainty, and uncertainty is uncomfortable. But, the discomfort doesn’t last forever.
The more you practice making decisions and taking action, the easier it becomes. Think of it like working out – you’re building muscle, and the soreness you feel at first is a sign you’re making progress.
As I said, overthinking is not inherently bad – it’s how you manage it that makes the difference. When overthinking goes unchecked, it becomes repetitive and unproductive, leading to indecision and exhaustion, but at its core, it’s your brain trying to protect you, prepare you, and help you make good choices.
The secret is learning to manage your overthinking: give it a purpose, focus on what you can control, and avoid spiraling into the endless ‘what if’ scenarios. Give it a productive outlet. Instead of letting it go into an endless analysis mode, you can redirect it toward focused problem-solving or actionable steps. This way, overthinking becomes a tool, not a trap.
Remember, progress comes from doing, not just thinking. And with practice, you can make overthinking work for you and move confidently toward your goals.
So, the next time you catch yourself spiraling, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What’s one small thing I can do right now?”. Then do it, because the only thing worse than thinking you’re making the wrong choice, is making no choice at all.
And that’s it for this episode of Stop Sabotaging Your Success. Remember to download your Guide to Turning Overthinking into Action at cindyesliger.com/podcast, episode one hundred and fifty-five.
Thank you to our producer, Alex Hochhausen and everyone at Astronomic Audio. Get in touch, I’m on Instagram @cindyesliger. My email address is info@cindyesliger.com.
If you enjoy listening to this podcast, you have to come check out The Confidence Collective. It’s my monthly coaching program where we dig a little deeper into what’s holding you back in your career and we find the workarounds. We help you overcome the barriers and create the career you want. Join me over at cindyesliger.com/join. I’d love to have you join me in The Confidence Collective.
Until next week, I’m Cindy Esliger. Thanks for listening.