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Ask yourself if you really believe that you are in control of your career and the best is yet to come?
What do you think? Do you believe this deep down?
I doubt it.
Most of us can’t even imagine that we can control anything in our lives and certainly not our careers. It feels like our lives are happening to us rather than by design. There are many factors at play and while society as a whole has made great strides in the equality of women in the workforce, we aren’t there yet. We face a lot of barriers to having a successful career in such a male-dominated profession like engineering. Some of those barriers are real but many of them are of our own making. They are based on beliefs we’ve adopted that are holding us back from realizing our true potential and bringing our true selves to work. We are so busy trying to be something we’re not, that we’ve forgotten who we are. If we aren’t us, then who are we? This mindset creates a big identity crisis for many of us!
I know what it’s like to be thinking I can’t be myself, while also knowing that I haven’t convinced anyone that I’m the same as all the men either. I also know what it’s like to be stuck in what feels like a soul-sucking dead-end career. I’ve been in your shoes and I know how hard it is to feel this way.
You want to take control of your career but you don’t know what to do or how to make that happen.
I work with amazing women, like you. You feel like you’ve tried everything to get ahead and you just keep getting passed over by those around you who seem less qualified and don’t have your same level of experience. You just don’t seem to meet the subjective criteria they are looking for. You just can’t stand spinning in confusion like this anymore.
I’ll help you stop wasting time, figure out what it is you want and make changes now to create a life that makes you excited about what’s possible for you.
You can no longer ignore your own drive to get unstuck and grow.
You know deep down that there’s more out there for you, but you’re really unsure about how to take back your power and put yourself in the driver’s seat again.
The coaching work that we do together is absolutely transformative. You’ll go from feeling like you’re stagnating and no longer growing to clarifying what it is you really want and putting together an action plan to make it happen. It’s that much of a change!
Why you get stuck and get in your own way
I’ve always been fascinated by why we do what we do. I’ve known for years that happiness is an inside job; I even wrote about this in the little blurb next to my graduation photo in my high school yearbook, “Be true to yourself because only you can make yourself happy”.
My undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering honed my problem-solving skills and opened the door to a 25 year career in land development and project management of multi-million dollar, multi-disciplinary public-private-partnership construction projects across Canada and the US.
Although I loved my career (for the most part), I found myself feeling quite stuck about the time I reached mid-career. I really enjoyed the challenge of being the project manager of large, complex projects, but I was looking for more. All that was presented to me was rescuing troubled projects and solving problems that I had no hand in creating. I would fix them, and they would keep creating more for me to fix. I was good at it. But it was all familiar territory and no longer challenged or interested in me the way it once had.
I wanted something more. I could feel it down deep inside.
And… I knew so much more was possible for me.
If you're curious and would like to learn more about how coaching works...
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